Paul Viney Wins St Ives Town Council By-election
St Ives Liberal Democrats have won their second of two local by-elections this year. Paul Viney of Lelant, was elected to St Ives Town Council yesterday by a convincing margin. Despite the seat being a traditionally Conservative stronghold, there was no Conservative candidate. Labour and the Greens were also absent this time around.
The result was
Paul Viney, Liberal Democrat: 547
Keth Judkins, Independent: 223
Turnout: 25%
Paul said, "I am delighted to have been elected by the people of Carbis Bay and Lelant to serve on the Town Council and am looking forward to getting to know the other councillors and getting down to work."
Marc Hadley, local party Chair, said, "This is another convincing win for us, demonstrating the strength and effectiveness of our current local campaigning capacity. With a general election not too far ahead of us, it is also an encouraging reflection of public disillusionment with the Tories."